Subscriber Security Awareness
Subscriber Security Awareness
The purpose of this document is to provide our
subscribers with some general awareness on internet security good practices.
While the Internet provides a rich source of information and services, there are
also undesirable effects such as viruses, Trojan software, and hoax emails being
widely propagated. They have the capability to compromise data and software in
an infected computer.
The below highlight a set of practices which can significantly lower the risk of being a victim to these malicious threats.
- Install Anti-Virus software
- Ensure your computer has the latest anti-virus software installed and
configured to automatically update; this can prevent a majority of
malicious software from infecting or harming your computer.
- Update old software
- Ensure your computer has automatic updates turned on so important patches are
installed as soon as they are available. And it is highly recommended to
upgrade any legacy software such as internet browsers, office software
or operating system as they often have no fixes for security
- Secure your internet connection
- Back up your data
- Regularly perform back-ups of your data in case your computer, phone or tablet is
lost, stolen or fails.
- Two main options to back-up data:
- Use a removable storage device (USB or external hard drive)
- Use an online cloud service
- Useful link – Back up your data
- Turn on your personal computer firewall
- Protect your Username and Password
Never give out passwords. Never share your password with anyone else or use someone else’s password. And avoid using the same password for multiple applications.
Use complex passwords with a combination of characters and symbols.
- Avoid opening scam or hoax emails and websites
Scam or hoax emails are often broadcast to multiple email addresses to lure unsuspecting recipients to click on a malicious/hoax link, download a malicious attachment or disclose sensitive information such as bank account details or username and password.
Useful links - http://www.staysmartonline.gov.au/your_identity/avoiding_scams_and_hoaxes
- Secure online transactions
On a web page, check if there is https:// at the beginning of the address bar and a locked padlock in the browser for any online transactions using sensitive data such as banking and credit card details. This ensures the website uses encryption and is secure.
- Using Social Networking websites responsibly
When engaging in social networking activities; always act diligently and wary of disclosing certain information such as phone numbers, birth dates or driver’s license numbers. In addition, review your privacy settings to prevent unintended disclosure of information.
Some useful links for advice on protecting your computer:
Anti-Virus software is provided by a number of vendors such as:
No security software will guarantee protection against unauthorised access to your system or data, or
protect against virus infection, but use of security software will significantly
reduce the risks. Equifax does not receive commission from the sale of
any security software or services.
information contained in this brochure is provided as a guide only. You
should obtain appropriate professional advice as to the suitability of any
of the matters discussed above to your circumstances. Equifax Australia Information Services and Solutions Pty Limited excludes liability for any losses
or damage reliance on the information.
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